Saturday, August 2, 2014

I recently had a long talk with a friend from Indiana that I haven't talked to in about 13 years. And the conversation quickly turned into a deep discussion about God, whatever that term means to you. I explained my views on my Higher Power which led me to write this post.

I believe in Karma. Call me a dirty hippy or a New Age kid, it doesn't bother me a bit. Truthfully, I identify more with hippies than others. Although I do wear deodorant, sometimes. AND I hate patchouli oil.

So my view on life and how to live it is to be kind to everyone. I believe everyone in the world is connected in one way or another. Maybe not directly, but our actions cause consequences ,whether good or bad. For example, I'm walking down the street and run into a homeless man who has given up on humanity. If I talk to that man and show compassion by buying him food or bumming him a few smokes then I have taken care of my need for helping others. But it doesn't stop there. Lets say that same man takes care of whatever problems he has in life and gets off the streets. Once he is off the streets he starts volunteering at a walk in clinic for underprivileged people. Then meeting someone there who offers him the opportunity to go over seas to help out. He then catches a flight to Nigeria lets say. He helps out in Nigeria with starving children. Indirectly, I helped those children by buying that man food or bumming him smokes. By me being nice that one day changed that mans perspective on life and ultimately changed another life.

Now this might be far fetched but you get my point. When my actions are positive I help the world. When my actions are negative I bring down the world. You never know how you will influence people by the smallest things you say or do. Sometimes they don't even hear you say it or see you do it, but they can just tell in your actions that you are at peace and do the right thing.

My first time in treatment I was told that I'm on the right path when I start doing the next right thing, even when no one is watching. For the longest time I'd only do the right thing, half-assed, when I knew for sure someone was watching. Not today though. I'm trying to live the best I can, with what I have and to make a difference in this world. Will I ever know if I have made a difference ? Maybe, maybe not. But if I don't try to make a difference then I am only bringing this world down.


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